Conflict Management between the Union and Management


5 days


20 – 24 Feb, 05 – 9 June, 04 – 8 Sept, 20 – 24 Nov 2023




The Business Xchange Hub, Marco Polo House
3-5 Lansdowne Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 2BX United Kingdom

Course Outline:

Module 1: Introduction

  • Progression of rights – an overview
  • The Constitution and freedom of association
  • Job seekers and freedom of association

Module 2 : Freedom of association

  • The protection in terms of labour law

Module 3 : Defining a Trade Union

  • Purpose of a Trade Union
  • Role players in a Trade Union

Module 4 : Representativeness

  • The rights of Trade Unions
  • How do you know the employees are unionised?
  • Can I prevent employees to join?
  • Defining representativeness
  • Principle of majoritarianism v plurality

Module 5 : Modules of the LRA

Module 6 : The majority Trade Union

  • Shop stewards
  • How many may the Union have?
  • Full time shop stewards
  • Time off for shop stewards and office bearers
  • Misconduct of shop stewards
  • The role and function of shop stewards
  • How to deal with the difficult shop steward

Module 7 : Organisational rights & recognitions

  • Right to establish a threshold
  • Collective bargaining and collective agreements
  • Consultation and negotiation
  • Destructive collective behaviour
  • Collective agreements and recognition agreements
  • The duty to bargain – does it exist?
  • Disputes

Module 8 : How to prepare for Union meetings

  • The process of entering the workplace from recruitment to majority Union
  • Preparation and strategy for meetings
  • The negotiation process

Module 9 : Conflict resolution

  • Main sources of conflict
  • Assumptions and perceptions
  • Positive and negative characteristics of conflict
  • The impact of negative conflict on the relationship with the Union
  • Techniques on identifying and managing conflict
  • Do’s and don’ts of conflict management
  • Mediation processes
  • Building and maintaining relationships
  • The attributes of a good conflict manager

Module 10 : Examples & Exercises

  • Examples and Exercises

Module 11 – Access to the workplace

Module 12 – Deduction of levies

Module 13- Time off for office bearers

Module 14 – Shop stewards

Module 15 – Disclosure of information

This course can also be taken in

Accra: 06 – 10 March, 19 – 23 June, 18 – 22 Sept, 11- 15 Dec 2023

Dubai:  06 – 10 March, 29 May – 02 June, 7 – 11 August, 9 – 13 Oct 2023

Texas: On Request

Who should attend

The ideal delegate would be managers, shop stewards, union officials and office bearers and IR managers.

Book this course

please send us your details & someone from our team will get back to you

Conflict Management between the Union and Management

15 + 6 =

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