CAMIC Associates is a business consulting firm in diverse industries. We offer knowledgeable professional training and consultant services to our clients, supporting them in making crucial business decisions at all stages of their business cycle.
We possess a tremendous commitment to our clients and consistently deliver exceptional work and superior insights. Our credibility is measured by the formation of trusted, team-oriented relationships.
Since our formation, we have become one of the most innovative and strategically driven Learning and Development Business in the UK and other parts of the world. CAMIC Associates continue to deliver exciting outcomes for our clients.
Applicants attending Camic Associates training courses must apply for a Standard Visitor visa. For more information visit study.
Abuse and Behaviours Policy
This policy is established to outline the Camic’s commitment to Abuse and Behaviours of individuals and is intended to provide anti-bullying guidance and outline expected outcomes from staff and Participants.
Bullying behaviour is defined as:
“Any behaviour that is unwanted, inappropriate, unsolicited and unacceptable to the person receiving it, causing them unease, stress, distress and a possible loss of self-esteem.”
It involves persecution of the victim through intimidating, unfair, sarcastic, physical, malicious or angry behaviour that causes them to feel uneasy or threatened.
Examples of bullying:
Electronic and Cyber Bullying:
Threatening or abusive text messages, emails, voicemails or posts. In the case of electronic bullying copies of the evidence will be attached to the Participant’s Incident Report Form.
Being unfriendly, excluding, and tormenting (e.g. hiding books, threatening gestures). Refusal to co-operate with others because of ability, physical appearance, colour, ethnicity, sexuality or gender.
Pushing, kicking, hitting, punching or any use of violence because of ability, physical appearance, colour, ethnicity, sexuality or gender.
This can be racism, or victimising those who have special needs or disabilities.
Unwanted physical contact or sexually abusive comments.
Name-calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, teasing. The excuse of ‘only joking’ is not acceptable.
All participants enrolled with Camic Associates will be covered and protected by this policy.
Statement of Intent
We respect the right of all Camic Associate members to have full and open access to every aspect of their stay with Camic Associates during the training period. We are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all our participants, so they can learn in a relaxed and secure atmosphere. Discriminatory practices of any kind are unacceptable at our institution. If they occur, all participants should be able to tell the Administrator or Proprietor and know that incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively. We are a listening establishment where every person matters’ and everyone is safeguarded.
The Individual Responsibility of Participants
It is important that participants recognise the difficulties which staff may encounter in their efforts to ensure the effective implementation of the policy on combating bullying. In this regard participants are expected to: ·
• Report all incidents of bullying to the Administrator or Proprietor, that they feel comfortable with. The Administrator will record this as an Incident.
• Act in a respectful and supportive manner to other Participants, reporting any suspected incidents which the victim may be afraid to report.
• Refrain always from any behaviour which would contribute to the bullying of fellow Participants.
• Adhere to and promote the principles and practise of this policy.
The role of providers, sponsors, employers and other stakeholders
• Stressing to Participants the importance of sociable behaviour.
• Reporting any observations or concerns that they may have concerning either victims or perpetrators of bullying.
• Actively supporting the policy on eradicating bullying.
The Individual Responsibilities of Staff
• To embrace a whole-Camic Associates approach that celebrates individuals and provides support for all participants.
• To be familiar with the Camic Associates’s anti-bullying policy, procedures monitoring and protocols through attending training events which Camic associates will provide on a regular basis. ·
• To recognise that the responsibility for dealing with bullying incidents rests with staff.
• To respond positively to the queries and concerns of providers, sponsors, employers and other stakeholders without delay.
• To keep written records of incidents on the Camic Associates’s Participants Incident Report forms available from the Administrator and to pass copies on to the Proprietor without delay.
Report bullying incidents to a staff member. The staff member will complete the Participant Incident Report Form;
• Information recorded will be passed on to the Proprietor.
• The bullying behaviour or threats of bullying will be investigated by the Administrator and the bullying stopped quickly.
• The bully (bullies) may be asked to genuinely apologise. Other consequences may take place.
• In serious cases, suspension or even exclusion will be considered.
• If possible, the participants will be reconciled.
• After the incident/incidents have been investigated and dealt with, each case will be monitored to ensure repeated bullying does not take place.
Facilitator’s policy
- The facilitator must carefully observe and listen to all the views and actions of the group. Be part of the group! Completely immerse your body, mind, and spirit in the method of the group.
- Recognise and appreciate all group input and encourage full participation. Your ability to inspire interest and enthusiasm in the group about the importance of the lectures will be a critical success factor in your facilitation.
- The nonverbal responses should be properly scanned.
- Facilitation represents a participatory mechanism. Interact rather than lecturing the workshop participants. Listen and keep your group involved.
- Stay on the task. Never lose sight of the deliverable. Avoid straying to other topics no matter how informative the topic may be or how much it may interest you or the group. Let the participants help keep the group on course if you are a weak process policeman.
- Remain neutral. Do not lose your neutrality. Eliminate your personal bias and opinions from the discussion.
- Expect hostility, but do not become hostile with your group or any participant. You must develop an attitude of tolerance and acceptance. You may not necessarily agree with what is being said, but you can listen, accept, and record the answers and opinions
- Avoid being the expert authority on the subject. You can be an authority figure, but your role is to listen, question, enforce the method, or offer tools and options.
- Always ensure that the participants have break at no longer than 90-minute intervals. Be specific about the length of breaks, typically ten minutes. Adhere to your times and always be punctual.
- Use breaks to free a discussion when it is deadlocked. Breaks give the participants a chance to clear their minds and likely come to a new understanding.
- Ensure your personal prejudices do not interfere with your role as a session leader. Your point of view must not be acceptable to everyone so encourage diverse views. You are there to facilitate cross fertilisation of ideas. Assist them in reaching the outcome.
- During transitions and before you break for lunch or the end of the day, summarise the workshop progress and next steps. Give the group a thought to ponder and commend them for work they have completed.
- Do not keep people too long.
- Stop a workshop if the group is sluggish and difficult to control, even if they wish to continue. Explain that, when people are burnt out, no progress occurs.
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