Designing Websites for Mobile Devices


5 days


6 – 10 Aug, 3-7 Sep, 1-5 Oct, 5-9 Nov, 3-7 Dec 2018




Holiday Inn Express Hotel

1 Priddys Yard Croydon CR0 1TS

Course overview

In Designing Websites for Mobile Devices Training course, Participants gain the necessary skills for responsive and mobile website design that fully harness sophisticated capabilities of web browsers on mobile devices.

Who should attend?

Web designers and developers interested in mobile and responsive web design having knowledge of HTML and CSS at the level of Course, HTML5 and CSS3, and prior JavaScript experience.

Course Objectives

By attending Designing Websites for Mobile Devices workshop, Participants will learn to:

  • Design and build mobile-first and responsive websites targeted for mobile devices
  • Write compelling HTML5, CSS and JavaScript content for mobile users
  • Build cross-platform mobile applications
  • Efficiently deliver content over low-bandwidth links
  • Enhance the mobile experience with device features and geolocation

This course can also be taken in

Accra:5-9 Feb, 30 Apr-4May, 21-25May, 3-7Sep, 26-30 Nov 2018

Dubai:5-9 Feb, 30 Apr-4May, 21-25May, 3-7Sep, 26-30 Nov 2018

Texas: on request

Course Content

Designing for Mobile Devices

  • Responsive Design: Good for All Devices

  • Building Responsive Sites

Flexible Grids

  • The Flexible Grid: A More Responsive Layout Strategy

  • The Case for Flexible

Flexible Images and Other Media

  • Flexible Images and Other Media

  • Flexible Background Images

Media Queries

  • Media Queries

  • Targeting Widths and Devices with CSS3 Media Queries

  • Linearizing the Layout

  • Using max-device-width

The Viewport

  • The Viewport

HTML5: Mobile Specific

  • New HTML5 Features
  • Forms
  • Local Storage
  • Local Storage Example

GeoLocation API

  • The GeoLocation API

  • Browser and Device Support

  • JavaScript Implementation

  • A Simple Example

  • Google Maps

Consolidating the Web with Native Extensions

  • Consolidating the Web with Native Extensions
  • Integrating with the Home Screen
  • Other Devices
  • Hiding Browser UI
  • Using the Accelerometer
  • Accessing Camera, Contacts, Calendar, and More – But Not Yet
  • PhoneGap


  • Optimizing the Video Experience for Mobile

  • Optimizing for Mobile

  • Embedding from YouTube or Vimeo

  • Hosting Your Own Videos

  • Video Formats

  • Controlling the Video through

  • JavaScript

  • Converting Video Formats

jQuery Mobile

  • jQuery Mobile

  • Mobile Focus

  • Supported Platforms

  • Drag-and-Drop Code Builder

  • Gestures

  • Swiping to Change Pages

  • Using data Attributes

  • Handling Orientation Change

Framework: Foundation

  • Foundation: A Responsive Grid Framework

  • A First Look at Foundation

Book this course

please send us your details & someone from our team will get back to you

Designing Websites for Mobile Devices

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