Developing a Website


5 days


6 – 10 Aug, 3-7 Sep, 1-5 Oct, 5-9 Nov, 3-7 Dec 2018




Holiday Inn Express Hotel

1 Priddys Yard Croydon CR0 1TS

Course Summary

Dynamic websites are crucial to your organization for driving site traffic, expanding market recognition, providing round-the-clock information, and promoting growth. In this training course, you gain the key knowledge and skills required to develop modern web pages and build a complete site using HTML and CSS, as well as control page styles and layouts, configure a web server, and incorporate multimedia.

Who should Attend?

As there is no experience and qualification required for this course, it is available for all students from any academic backgrounds.

Course Objectives

You Will Learn How To

  • Establish, configure, and maintain an intranet or internet website
  • Develop web pages using HTML and CSS
  • Configure a web server and implement server-side scripting
  • Interface a website to a database for the dynamic storage and retrieval of data
  • Produce dynamic web pages using server- and client-side scripts

This course can also be taken in

Accra:5-9 Feb, 30 Apr-4May, 21-25May, 27 -31Aug, 26-30 Nov 2018

Dubai:5-9 Feb, 30 Apr-4May, 21-25May, 27 -31Aug, 26-30 Nov 2018

Texas: on request

Course Content

  • Introduction to the Web
  • Internet/intranet fundamentals
  • Web architecture
  • Exploring browsers
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • HTML: Hypertext Markup Language

Building a web page with HTML and XHTML

  • Head and body elements
  • Formatting text with tags
  • Establishing hypertext links
  • Ordered/unordered lists
  • Designing tables to display data
  • Defining relative and absolute anchors

Adding graphic elements

  • Making your pages graphical with embedded images
  • Adding interactivity with “clickable” images
  • Utilizing animated images to liven up a web page
  • Creating image maps to link parts of a single image

Controlling page styles and layout with CSS

  • Attaching style properties to HTML tags
  • Creating and applying style sheets
  • Implementing a styled navigational menu
  • Applying styles with class and ID attributes
  • Implementing a Web Server

Web server functionality

  • Web server/browser communication
  • The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

Configuring a web server

  • Setting up the server directory structure
  • Deploying access configuration/security
  • Ongoing server administration
  • Programming on the Server

Server-side scripting

  • Client/server/script interaction
  • Exploring the operation of server-side web applications
  • Accessing data on the web server
  • Creating dynamic web pages
  • The difference between GET and POST requests

Processing user data with forms

  • Capturing user input with HTML forms
  • Adding text fields, selection lists, check boxes and radio buttons to a web page
  • Configuring a form to invoke your server-side program when submitted
  • Processing form input with dynamic web pages
  • Implementing HTML5 form validation without JavaScript
  • Interfacing to a Database

Relational databases and the web

  • Characterizing database records
  • Using SQL to manipulate the database

Database-driven web pages

  • Opening a connection to a database
  • Storing data captured from forms
  • Performing dynamic queries on the database
  • Generating a response displaying query results
  • Creating Dynamic Web Pages

Adding interactivity with JavaScript

  • Incorporating JavaScript that executes in the web browser
  • Enhancing client-side functionality
  • Reacting to user actions

Incorporating multimedia

  • Embedding video content in web pages
  • Adding interactivity with plug-ins

Creating interactive web pages with Dynamic HTML (DHTML)

  • Combining JavaScript and CSS
  • Targeting elements by ID and tag name
  • Accessing and modifying page markup
  • Modifying CSS for dynamic HTML effects

Implementing an RSS feed

  • Fundamentals of XML
  • Publishing data with RSS
  • Adding an RSS feed to your site

Book this course

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Developing a Website

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