Developing Java Web Applications


5 days


30 Jul – 3 Aug, 17-21 Sep, 8-12 Oct, 19-23 Nov, 10-14 Dec 2018




Holiday Inn Express Hotel 1 Priddys Yard Croydon CR0 1TS

Course Overview

In this training course, you acquire the experience needed to implement high-performing, scalable, and secure transactional web-based applications, as well as gain an in-depth understanding of how to integrate JPA and EJB with modern web technologies, and how Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) offers a simple and comprehensive approach to building state-of-the-art enterprise applications.

Who should Attend?

Web developers who need to be able to build enterprise Java based Web applications using JSP.

Course Objectives

You Will Learn How To

  • Build robust, data-driven web applications by integrating key components of Java EE
  • Create dynamic, session-managed, data-driven web applications with servlets
  • Build dynamic web page views with JSP
  • Implement the MVC design pattern for Java web applications
  • Configure listeners to initialise web sessions and applications

This course can also be taken in

Accra:12-16Feb, 7-11May, 28May -1Jun, 3-7Sep   , 1-5Oct 2018

Dubai:12-16Feb, 7-11May, 28May -1Jun, 3-7Sep   , 1-5Oct 2018

Texas: on request

Course Content

The Strategic Management Pla

  • You Will Learn How To

    • Build robust, data-driven web applications by integrating key components of Java EE
    • Create dynamic, session-managed, data-driven web applications with servlets
    • Build dynamic web page views with JSP
    • Implement the MVC design pattern for Java web applications
    • Configure listeners to initialise web sessions and applications

Course Outline

Introduction and Overview

Web application development

  • The requirements of a web application
  • Components of an n-tier architecture
  • Generating Content with Servlets

Getting started with servlets

  • Integrating servlets into the web application architecture
  • Configuring the servlet development environment
  • Avoiding common servlet pitfalls

Utilising the Java Servlet API

  • Servlet life cycle methods
  • Accessing servlet environment variables

Creating web-based forms for user input

  • Adding text fields and drop-down lists
  • Retrieving form data in the servlet
  • Accessing Databases with Servlets

Extending servlets with Java Database Connectivity

  • Connecting to the database
  • Submitting SQL statements
  • Retrieving and processing data

Formatting database results

  • Constructing an HTML table
  • Adding drill-down features
  • Maintaining State in Java Web Applications

Writing cookies to personalise web content

  • Retrieving cookies from a client request
  • Sending cookies to the client
  • Circumventing cookie limitations

Managing application state with sessions

  • Creating a unique session for each user
  • Storing and retrieving Java objects within sessions
  • Controlling a session’s life span
  • Creating application and session event listeners
  • Implementing a shopping cart

Key components of Java EE for web development

  • Servlets
  • JSP
  • XML
  • Creating JavaServer Pages (JSP)

JSP fundamentals

  • Using JSP scriptlets, expressions and declarations
  • Communicating with the client using built-in JSPserver objects
  • Leveraging the JSP 2 Expression Language (EL)

State management with JSP

  • Accessing cookies and sessions
  • Storing common application data
  • Designing JSP and Servlet Architectures

Integrating JSP and JavaBeans

  • Promoting object reuse
  • Separating application logic from the presentation

Calling JSP from servlets

  • Forwarding Java objects to JSP
  • Using JavaBeans to transfer data
  • Servlet and JSP design patterns
  • Integrating JSP Custom Tags

Leveraging the Tag Extension mechanism

  • The role of JSP custom tags
  • Applying the JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL)

Developing custom tags

  • Creating custom tags with JSP 2 tag files
  • Customising tag behaviour with attributes

Developing JavaServer Faces (JSF) Applications JSF framework overview

  • Identifying the JSF core components
  • Managing application flow using JSF navigation model

Building JSF components

  • Developing back beans
  • Creating views with JSF custom tags

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Developing Java Web Applications

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