Effective HR Policies And Procedures

(Part of  Human Resource)


5 days


20 – 24 Feb, 29 May – 02 June, 11 – 15 Sept, 27 – 01 Dec 2023




The Business Xchange Hub, Marco Polo House 3-5 Lansdowne Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 2BX United Kingdom

Course Overview

What will happen if there are no traffic rules and traffic lights? : Chaos.

What happens if there are too many rules and too many lights? : Chaos also!

HR policies and procedures provide fundamental rules about and guidelines to practices and behaviour of the people in the organisation. They can be likened to game rules. They safeguard fairness and equality for all in the organisation, guide management and supervisors, and clearly explain expectations. HR policies reflect organisational culture and ensure compliance with employment legislation. More than drawing boundaries HR policies should also recognise and address people’s needs.

Hence, the challenge is to strike a balance between having too many and having too few policies by having the right approach and by creating relevant and effective HR policies so as to effectively manage talent to deliver business results.

During this program, participants will learn how to structure, develop and implement HR Policies and Procedures that are relevant, clear, compliant and effective. On top of that, they will be able to appreciate the importance of collaboration on strategy between HR and the organisation’s leadership in developing effective human resources management policies.

Course Objective:

  • To appreciate the importance of collaboration on strategy between HR and the organisation’s leadership in developing effective human resources management policies.
  • To understand the fundamentals of HR policies and procedures and their role within the organisation.
  • To understand how to structure, develop and implement HR policies and procedures that are relevant, clear, compliant and effective.

Who should attend

Anyone who wants to understand, needs to understand and implement, or needs to write HR policies and procedures.

This course can also be taken in

Accra:  20 – 24 Feb, 05 – 09 June, 04 – 08 Sept  27, Nov – 01 Dec 2023

Dubai:  20 – 24 Feb ,15 – 19 May, 24 – 28 July, 25 – 29 Sept 2023

Texas: on request

Course Content

The Strategic Management Plan

  • Strategic Analysis
  • Strategic Element
  • Strategic Choices
  • Strategic Implementation
  • Evaluation and Control
  •  Why HR policies are important.

    • Defining policy and procedure.
    • How culture impacts HR policies.
    • A Case Study: GM’s Faulty Ignition Switch Car Recall.
    • Some considerations before drafting HR policies.
    • 9 steps in developing policies.
    • Effect on bad HR policies.

    • Group discussions on some policies.

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Effective HR Policies And Procedures

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