PA Skills and Responsibilities


5 days


29 Apr – 3 May, 16 – 20 Sep, 4 – 8 Feb, 17 – 21 Jun, 7 – 11 Jan 2019




Holiday Inn Express Hotel 1 Priddys Yard Croydon CR0 1TS

Course Description

Knowledgeable, efficient administrative assistants, PAs and private secretaries are very valuable to their executives and to the enterprise for which they work, so they are in great demand and command good salaries and other benefits – good, well-trained secretaries/PAs/administrators are valued and sought after – no enterprise can get along without one (or more) of them.  Their range of duties can be wide, and can vary considerably; this Program provides essential training and knowledge about very many of them, including office management principles, staff matters, accounts and IT.  The Program also teaches about supervision of office personnel, and how to prepare for promotion to managerial posts.

Who should attend?

Administrative assistants, PAs and private secretaries

Course Objectives

PAs will understand the latest PA best practice techniques and learn how to go from good to great in their role. Attendees will also have a better understanding of their objectives and the many ways they can improve systems and increase productivity in their strategic working partnership.

This course can also be taken in

Accra: 25 Feb – 1 Mar, 8 – 12 Jul, 7 – 11 Oct, 9 – 13 Dec, 11 -15 Feb 2019

Dubai: 13 – 17 May, 24 – 28 Jun, 22 – 26 Jul, 16 – 20 Sep, 18 – 22 Nov 2019

Texas: on request

Course Content
  • The types and roles of the PA/Secretary; personal attributes and skills, work relationships, adapting to change.
  • The office environment: layout, design, environmental factors, furniture and furnishings, equipment and machinery, their functions; health and safety concerns.
  • The world of commerce; public, private, types of enterprises.
  • Business letters and their preparation; desktop publishing.
  • Communications including memos, emails, forms, reports  and other business documents.
  • Filing systems, data and information.
  • The uses and control of office machines
  • Computer systems: data, databases, hardware, software, data security.
  • Incoming mail: sorting, opening, distributing; dictation, checking typed and word processed work.
  • Outgoing mail, despatching mail, options, postage, posting options and machinery.
  • Reception work, visitors, appointments, deliveries, arranging meetings, representing the organisation.
  • Meetings: arrangements, notices, agendas, taking minutes, preparing minutes.
  • Making travel arrangements; the appointments diary.
  • Conferences, managing events, logistics, travel.
  • Effective communication: oral, visual, written, electronic.
  • Principles of bookkeeping, the ledger, sales documents, petty cash, banking, invoices and receipts, checking and passing bills for payment, issuing cheques, records.
  • Wages and remuneration.
  • Advertising for and recruiting office personnel: job analysis, job descriptions, interviewing, selection tests, induction, training, supervising, controlling, counselling.
  • The functions and principles of management; technical and managerial aspects.
  • Setting good examples, attitudes. Preparing for promotion.

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PA Skills and Responsibilities

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