Developing An Employee Engagement Strategy


5 days


9 – 13 Dec, 1 – 5 Apr, 16 – 20 Sep, 21 -25 Jan, 12 – 16 Aug 2019




Holiday Inn Express Hotel 1 Priddys Yard Croydon CR0 1TS

Course Objective:

Research shows that engaged employees perform better than others. They experience increased job satisfaction and more positive attitudes and emotions towards their work, benefitting both individual and employer. Developing an Employee Engagement Strategy provides the tools and techniques to develop and communicate an employee engagement strategy in your organisation.

Who should attend

Developing an Employee Engagement Strategy is the right course for you if you’re a professional who helps create and implement employee engagement strategies and would like a broader understanding of the field and what can be achieved

Course Outline

  • Employee engagement in context: latest thinking on employee engagement
  • Stakeholder management and gaining buy-in – working with internal and external stakeholders to develop your strategy 
  • Developing an employee engagement strategy – tools and techniques for drafting your strategy and creating an action plan for your organisation; practical introduction to the process 
  • From plan to practice: practical approaches
  • Communicating the employee engagement strategy
  • Selling the business benefits
  • Action planning.

This course can also be taken in

Accra:  30 Sep – 4 Oct, 28 Jan- 1 Feb, 29 Apr – 3 May, 1 – 5 Jul, 16 – 20 Sep 2019

Dubai:  16 – 20 Dec, 21 -25 Jan, 11 -15 Feb, 8 – 12 Apr, 17 – 21 Jun 2019

Texas: on request

Course Content

  • Employee engagement in context: latest thinking on employee engagement
  • Stakeholder management and gaining buy-in – working with internal and external stakeholders to develop your strategy
  • Developing an employee engagement strategy – tools and techniques for drafting your strategy and creating an action plan for your organisation; practical introduction to the process
  • From plan to practice: practical approaches
  • Communicating the employee engagement strategy
  • Selling the business benefits
  • Action planning.

Book this course

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Developing An Employee Engagement Strategy

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